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Press releases

Statement from U.S. Secretary of Commerce on New Manufacturing Institute

| Advanced Manufacturing, Manufacturing USA, National Network for Manufacturing Innovation

“I commend President Obama's announcement today of a new National Network for Manufacturing Innovation (NNMI) institute. These institutes are designed to foster pre-competitive collaboration among manufacturers, academics and non-profits in cutting-edge technologies.

President Launches Advanced Manufacturing Partnership Steering Committee “2.0”

| Advanced Manufacturing, Manufacturing USA, National Network for Manufacturing Innovation

Today, the President launched the Advanced Manufacturing Partnership Steering Committee “2.0,” part of a continuing effort to maintain U.S. leadership in the emerging technologies that will create high-quality manufacturing jobs and enhance America’s global competitiveness.

The White House Launches Competition for Three New Manufacturing Innovation Institutes

| Advanced Manufacturing, Manufacturing USA, National Network for Manufacturing Innovation

The White House today announced that it is launching competitions to create three new manufacturing innovation institutes with a Federal commitment of $200 million across five Federal agencies – Defense, Energy, Commerce, NASA, and the National Science Foundation.  To build off the initial success of a pilot institute headquartered in Youngstown, Ohio, the President announced in the State

President Obama Launches Advanced Manufacturing Partnership

| Advanced Manufacturing, Manufacturing USA, National Network for Manufacturing Innovation

Today, at Carnegie Mellon University, the President launched the Advanced Manufacturing Partnership (AMP), a national effort bringing together industry, universities, and the federal government to invest in the emerging technologies that will create high quality manufacturing jobs and enhance our global competitiveness.  Investing in technologies, such as information technology, biotechnol

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